
OneUpOneDown is a social network platform that fosters mentor-mentee relationships to drive personal and professional growth for women in business and technology. By leveraging cutting-edge machine learning algorithms, our platform connects users with highly-optimized and relevant mentor matches.

With a focus on quality over quantity, OneUpOneDown facilitates meaningful mentorship experiences by matching users for 3-month periods, allowing for the development of lasting, trusted relationships. As users progress on their growth journeys, our platform tracks and facilitates their progress by collecting data and customising learning opportunities based on individual needs and goals.

At OneUpOneDown, we believe in the power of targeted and intentional mentorship to drive personal growth and development. Our platform provides users with a limited number of high-value mentor matches, ensuring they receive personalised and impactful experiences.

Using blockchain technology, we have developed smart contracts to capture and record the value exchange between mentors and mentees. Each match initiates a smart contract (built on the Cardano blockchain) that records the mentorship experience, users’ contribution and skill development. Currently, at the end of each match, an NFT is delivered to each user, containing their learning experience.

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